Why do you need to open your window for takeoff? Airline safety rules announced

By | December 26, 2023

From celebrity appearances to mass demonstrations, airlines are making creative efforts to get passengers to listen to pre-flight safety briefings.

Yet most of us go out as soon as we get on the plane, and some of us ignore the rules.

To remind you why airline safety rules are important, we spoke with airline crew and safety experts to learn some of the reasons behind them.

Why do you need to keep your seat upright for takeoff and landing?

There’s nothing worse than only getting your seat on a flight for a certain amount of time. person immediately ahead to deposit theirs.

This is not only bad form, but can also be dangerous. Airline staff ask passengers to keep their seats upright during takeoff and landing; because these are the times when you are most likely to encounter an emergency because you have little time to prepare.

In case of emergency landing or evacuationHaving your seat upright helps people behind you get up from their seats quickly.

Likewise, providing storage for your tray table helps keep the path clear for yourself and others. passengers in your turn. Therefore, you also need to put your belongings under the seat in front of you.

Opening your window curtain helps you detect dangers outside.

Opening your window curtain helps you detect dangers outside. – Canva

Why do you have to open the window curtain for takeoff and landing?

The reasons to keep your window open during takeoff and landing are less obvious but no less important.

These phases of the flight are the most dangerousand open canopies allow flight attendants and passengers to immediately notice any problems, such as an engine fire, and thus alert the flight deck.

In an emergency evacuationIt also allows the crew to see if it is safe to use the exit and allows employees outside to assess the situation inside the cabin.

Moreover, it allows your eyes to adjust to the outside light so you can see better while evacuating.

Why are the lights dimmed before takeoff and landing?

In the event of an emergency landing, the plane may be plunged into darkness.

“In the event of an evacuation, the lights are dimmed to assist with night vision,” security and emergency procedures instructor and follower Jodie Jarvis told Euronews Travel.

air conditioning crew and the low light allows passengers to see more clearly and evacuate the aircraft quickly.

When is it necessary to use the ‘Brael’ position?

Some in-flight safety demonstrations show the ‘support’ position to be adopted if instructed by the crew. Often this requires leaning forward with your feet firmly on the ground, your head as close as possible to the surface you’re likely to hit (usually the seat in front), and your hands on either side of your head.

“Brael position is used during a emergency “We land to prevent inertial injuries caused by rapid acceleration or deceleration of the brain,” explains Jodie.

It is usually not necessary to seek support turbulence as long as it’s not too severe.

“You know you need to brace yourself as the cabin crew will start shouting ‘brace’ or you will instinctively start to feel the need to protect your head and lean forward,” says Jodie.

You should wear your seat belt during turbulence. Since no evacuation is expected, you don’t need to put your chair upright or lift your tray table, but you may need to secure any evacuation. liquids items that may spill or fall.

Why do you need to put your phone on flight mode?

Devices like mobile before 2013 phones It had to be completely shut down for takeoff and landing.

The requirement to allow phones to be in flight mode was later relaxed. This rule It was initially introduced because it was possible for telephone signals to interfere with flight deck radio signals and internal communications with air traffic control.

Rigorous testing has been conducted and flight systems are designed to overcome this threat. This requirement is still in effect because airlines are operating very carefully.

It is possible that it is new, untested technology It may still have an impact, so passengers are still advised to follow the ‘flight mode’ rule for safety reasons.

Why not grab your bag during an emergency evacuation?

Besides the need to evacuate as quickly as possible (within 90 seconds to be exact), there are other reasons not to grab your vehicle. bag or your other belongings in case of an emergency on the plane.

“During evacuation handbag It can take up space available to another person and get tangled up, trip over someone, hit someone and puncture or damage the bolt in some way,” says Jodie.

Passengers wearing high heels are also asked to remove their high-heeled shoes during an emergency evacuation due to the risk of puncturing the slide. It is also not recommended to wear flip-flops during the flight as they are not the most durable shoes for evacuation.

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