Why should LAUSD ban smartphones in schools?

By | June 14, 2024

The story is the same from school to school: Students’ smartphones keeps them from learning and erodes mental health and personal social connection. This places an untenable burden on teachers and administrators who oversee their use according to their school’s policies. To address this issue in the Los Angeles Unified School District, I introduced: Decision banning students’ mobile phones throughout the school day. I believe this policy is necessary to create healthier learning environments for our children.

Research supports what I observed during my school visits. In his book “The Anxious Generation: How the Great Reconnection of Childhood is Creating an Epidemic of Mental Illness,” psychologist Jonathan Haidt explains that smartphone use and social mediaHaving access to both in schools leads to higher rates of depression, anxiety, cyberbullying, and physical fighting. Additionally, phones and social media lead to lower rates of meaningful personal interaction and less beneficial social-emotional development.

Read more: Guerrero: Smartphones harm young people. What choice do parents have?

Academic fees are just as steep. UNESCO report dated 2023 He stated that distraction in the classroom is increasing and academic performance is decreasing, revealing clear indicators of the negative effects that mobile phones have on education around the world.

While research proves the harms of smartphones and social media, initiatives are being taken to prevent students from using phones in schools. gain strength across the country and around the world. Including a handful of states indiana and Florida, as well as more schools and districts, have banned smartphone use in schools. And California at least one half a dozen states There is pending legislation.

The new regulations appear to be working. A lot studies have stated It turns out that restricting phone use in class improves academic performance, with test score gains similar to gains when adding an hour to the school week. A study on schools in Spain The implementation of smartphone bans showed an increase in test scores and a significant decrease in cyberbullying. Researchers found that physical benefits tooSince phone limitation during recess results in more time spent being active.

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Principals at LAUSD who implement phone-free school day policies report fewer fights, increased student attendance, and a more positive overall campus environment. But current district policy They had to implement stricter rules because it hadn’t been updated since 2011. If the new policy is approved, principals will only conduct district guidance.

A ban on smartphones in LAUSD schools will come with challenges, especially regarding implementation. But these are surmountable obstacles. many schools distribute magnetically sealed cell phone bags to students. The bags are locked and unlocked with a special magnet placed near school entrances. When students arrive at school, they tap their purses to lock them, and when they leave school, they tap again to unlock them. Another option is to collect devices in the mobile phone locker in the morning; Students can pick these up at the end of the day or in case of an emergency.

Some schools are based on trust and a code of honor; Children can keep their phones in their hands, but they promise not to keep their phones on or off during the day. But without removing devices from the equation, teachers and staff are forced to enforce bans on top of their already full workloads, according to Haidt. Even the most careful teachers can’t always prevent sneaking. And one-on-one enforcement takes more time from teachers and administrators than confiscating phones and returning them at the beginning and end of the school day.

A common concern about locked smartphones is that students will not be able to call for help in case of emergency. Some public safety experts say It is safer for children not to have their phones with them in case of emergency. For example, in the event of an active shooter, too many students may call 911. overloading the power plant, and sounds or vibrations from the phone may reveal the student’s location. School officials, not students, should implement emergency plans and communicate with teachers, students, parents, and law enforcement.

Implementing a smartphone-free policy in LAUSD schools is not an attempt to ignore the realities of the digital age. Students will continue to access the internet through district-provided laptops and tablets. By removing personal smartphones and social media from the school day, we will help children focus on technology that supports education and isolate them from distractions that do not support technology.

Just as we ban harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol in schools, we should also implement a district-wide protocol that addresses the negative effects of smartphones and social media on children. By going phone-free, LAUSD can help revitalize learning environments that encourage focus, social connection, and healthy development. Our children deserve no less.

Nick Melvoin Member of the Los Angeles Board of Education. @NickMelvoin

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This story was first published in the Los Angeles Times.

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