‘You think you’re some kind of gangster

By | April 26, 2024

A ‘wannabe gangster’ was told to ‘go down a peg or two’ by a judge after he flew into a jealous rage and strangled his ex-girlfriend in front of her two-year-old daughter.

According to Wales Online, Jack Brenan, also known as Jack Brennan, shouted “fuck” through gritted teeth as he grabbed his victim by the throat. The 26-year-old man bombarded his ex-partner with calls and messages after the horrific attack.

He was supported by his new girlfriend as he was sentenced in court. But the judge questioned why anyone would want to associate with domestic violence offenders who have ‘little man syndrome’.

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The judge described Brenan as an ‘arrogant’ man who ‘thought he was some sort of gangster’. Prosecutor Dean Pulling told Swansea Crown Court the victim started dating Brenan in February 2023 and ended the relationship about 11 months later due to ‘infidelity and jealous behaviour’.

Brenan was left furious after finding an old dating profile he used on the Tinder app. The man went to the victim’s home in Llanelli on January 30 this year and entered, shouting threats as he walked up the stairs towards the victim, who was talking on the phone with his brother.

Mr Pulling said: “He grabbed her by the throat with a firm grip and pushed her face into his, calling her ‘fucking s**g’ through gritted teeth and pushing her into the bathroom He grabbed her by the throat, causing her to fall to the floor, referring to the previously damaged Ring doorbell.” He told her to buy a new camera.

“He managed to get up and tried to push her out. His two-year-old daughter was on the landing and was crying when she saw what was happening. The victim put the child in the bedroom but the defendant then kicked the baby. The door to the door causes further distress.”

Brenan then left the scene and a short time later, the victim’s brother, who had heard about the attack on the phone, arrived at the address to find his sister and niece in great distress. The victim had red strangulation marks on her neck.

This did not mean the end of Brenan’s abuse. In the following weeks he bombarded his ex with calls and messages, threatening to ‘send some kids there’ and put bricks through her window.

He was arrested on February 17 and given a domestic violence protection notice banning him from contacting the victim. He ignored this and sent abusive messages threatening to upload videos of the victim online and ‘burn the street down’.

Brenan threatened to go to his mother’s house and added: “Fuck everyone’s house, the neighbor has it and your mother.” He warned her not to be a ‘grass’, saying ‘I know where everyone lives’ and that if she was arrested he would ‘take it out on her family’.

Brenan was charged with intentional strangulation, intimidating witnesses, coercive and controlling behavior and criminal damage. Dropping the last two charges led to a mistake by the prison where Brenan was being held.

Believing that all charges had been dropped, the prison released Brenan. After being notified of the mistake and told to surrender, Brenan refused and instead went on holiday in the West Country.

He was eventually arrested at a service station in the area. Brenan admitted strangulation, witness intimidation and breach of bail.

Brenan sentenced to two years in prison

Brenan was sentenced to two years in prison -Credit:No credit

He had a previous criminal record of 41, including assault and criminal damage against his former partner in 2019, as well as numerous driving offences. In this incident, he held a knife to the living room door, cut his bed and shower curtain, and threatened him. to slit his throat.

Judge Geraint Walters said: “He thinks he’s some sort of gangster, doesn’t he, as if we should be afraid of him.” “Of course he’s not a gangster, but he thinks he is.

“It’s childish. He says things like, ‘I’m going to burn down the whole street.’ He’s never obeyed a court order in his life. He thinks he’s above all this.”

Brenan’s lawyer David Singh admitted his client had a ‘horrendous’ record. The judge continued: “I don’t think it complies with anything.

“He exploits motor vehicles, which is undoubtedly part of his flash image, and beats women.” Mr Singh then mentioned that Brenan had a new girlfriend who was in court to support him.

Judge Walters replied: “Yes, I don’t know how many partners he had but he certainly beat two of them. There aren’t many men who enjoy that.”

“It takes a certain kind of man. Usually it’s what I call the little guy syndrome. The only thing that makes him feel big is if he’s flamboyant and fierce.”

Mr Singh said choking was an ‘instinctive grasping of the throat’ and ‘did not last long’. He added that Brenan has four stores where he employs 10 people and is trying to continue to run the businesses under supervision. “

Mr Singh told the court: “There is a different side to this defendant. He is at a crossroads where he needs to mature, grow and move on from this resentment.”

Passing sentence, Judge Walters told Brenan: “You really think you are a gangster. An arrogant young man with an opinion of himself that is far beyond what is right.

“You need to get down a notch or two and start behaving like a man and not like a teenage bully. You were unfairly released by the prison and booked a holiday when you were told to turn yourself in.

“This is the height of arrogance.” The judge added that Brenan was “not attractive to any woman”.

Brenan, of Railway Place, Llanelli, was jailed for two years. A 10-year restraining order was also imposed preventing him from contacting the victim.

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